Tricks for a minimalist kitchen

Tricks for a minimalist kitchen

Hi again, lovers of kitchens. These past few days we have been working with some very special clients on a fun project. The first thing they made clear is that they wanted to give their new kitchen a minimalist and simple air.

This is the style that is attracting more and more followers and today we are going to give some key points along with some advice on how to achieve a minimalist space.
But wait, what exactly is minimalism? Minimalism entails basically not accumulating things that are not fundamental elements to your space. It also encourages you to live with the bare minimum number of things.
In terms of interior design and architecture of spaces; minimalism should transmit a sensation of cleanliness, clarity, and purity. In these kinds of designs accessories and frills are avoided in order to create clean lines and angles.
Like we’ve always said, a kitchen should be the perfect space to work and cook, and at the same time be the meeting place for family and friends. In this case, the essence is still the same, but there are a few slight differences with the traditional kitchen.
First off, the cabinetry of a minimalist kitchen is usually one with very little trinkets and images. Actually the most pure design would be a smooth finish with nothing more.
Additionally, it’s important that each piece of furniture or object that we add to the space be functional and better yet multifunctional. We also want to point out the importance of a consistent and coherent order in the minimalist lifestyle.
In the case of appliances, the same idea applies. Small and large appliances should follow the same design that you have chosen for your kitchen. This way they mimic and give the same sensation of continuity and harmony that will ultimately help achieve your goal.
Lastly, we would like to talk about colors. In order to achieve an open and clean space we need to utilize light colors, for both the walls and the furniture. Furthermore, natural light will serve as an ally in this process.
After reading this, would you like to join the minimalist kitchen pack?